Indus University

CSE Section


1).Construct the involute of a hexagon having sides 20mm.

2).A rolling circle of r = 27 mm radius is rolling outside a directing circle of R = 81 mm radius without slip, point P is at the contact point of two circles. Draw the locus of point P for one revolution of the rolling circle.

3).Draw an Archimedean spiral of 1.5 convolutions, the greatest and least radius being 60 mm and 20 mm respectively.

4). A circle of 25 mm radius is rolling on a straight line without slip. Point P is at the point of contact between generating circle and directing line. Draw the locus of point P and name the curve.

5). A stick, of length equal to the circumference of a semicircle, is initially tangent to the semicircle of the right side of it. This stick now rolls over the circumference of a semicircle without sliding till it becomes tangent on the left side of the semicircle. Draw the loci of two points of this stick. Name the curve. Take R = 42 mm.

6).A point O moves towards another point O, 75 mm from it, and reaches it during 11/4 revolution around it in clockwise direction. Its movement towards O is uniform with its movement around it. Draw the curve traced out by the point P and name it.